Dec 13, 2010

埤唐窝生态园区Pi Tang Wo Ecological Park

In the previous articles~ I had mentioned fews spots of Jiu Qiong Lake~ Now, i want to introduced these spots but I will just introduce Pi Tang Wo in this article~ hehee~ 

Pi Tang Wo is an ecological Park which planning well by the Soil and water conservation and residents of Jiu Qiong Lake. Pi Tang Wo is an abandoned farm before develop. The planner transformed this farm by guided the farm’s pond drainage that originally will flow into the river into four artificial ponds that built at the abandoned farm. Each pond has different environment for different aquatic plants. The path of Pi Tang Wo covered by wood chips, you will feel comfortable when you walk on the wood chips path. You will see many kinds of butterflies and birds at Pi Tang Wo. With the effort of well planning, Pi Tang Wo had become a very beautiful and fantastic ecological park that suitable for learning and relaxing. Don’t miss this place when you visit to Jiu Qiong Lake.

This is the plan of Pi Tang Wo:

Let's see the differences before and after develop~

The environment of Pi Tang Wo~ 

P/S: The other spots are coming soon~

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